Your Favorite Upgraded: The Classic Limitless Trouser Now in Hickory Stripe

Locals Locals - Malibu Sandals - Interviews Seeker Designer & Founder - Ally Ferguson


Ally Ferguson

Welcome to an exclusive Q&A session with our near and dear fashion industry friend Ally Ferguson. Ally is the visionary founder behind the brand Seeker, a revolutionary clothing brand blending sustainability with style. 

Join us as we delve into Ally's journey of surf, love, her time on TV as well her brand SEEKER and its mission-driven approach towards fashion. Get ready to dive into one of the most innovative voices in the sustainable fashion industry - Ally Ferguson.

What comes to mind when you hear the word Malibu? 

LEGENDS! So many epic humans reside in Malibu. I bet if we did a round up they could collectively rebuild the world 😉 Malibu is a gem in California, the fact that we’re just a short drive away from this paradise never stops amazing me. 

What was your first concert? We want to know the artists, the year, tour and venue. 

Oh man, my first concert was “The Band”. Aka Bob Dylan’s band. I believe I was 7, so 1991? My parents got a table and took the whole family to the Galaxy Theatre in Tustin. I didn’t understand at the time how EPIC it was so see this but now… I get it! Thanks Dad & Mom 💛 you gave us a little slice of history that night. 

Which Malibu Sandals style are you wearing right now? 

LATIGO I’m a Latigo lover— the one pair of shoes that, no matter what, they go perfectly with every single thing in my closet. Anyone that owns a pair knows, the more you adventure in them (hiking, climbing, strolling around) the better the patina gets! You really become one with the shoe. Also, it’s probably the most popular thing I get asked about when I wear them out… people are always inquiring where they’re from because they are such a unique design, unlike anything else you will find. I love all the colorways, I have so many variations because I wear them basically to every event. 

If you didn’t pursue a career in the fashion world  - where would you be now? 

The twists and turns of life… I always wanted to have a clothing brand but there’s a chance I would have pursued a career in Hockey, in my alternate universe (I was a child star player). I would have also liked to explore architecture. My dad is an architect, and incredibly talented when it comes to bringing a building construction vision to life. We recently worked on renovating my house in Yucca Valley together and it was a huge goal of mine to learn from his insight/experience. His ability to oversee the entire synthesis of a project is very inspiring to me, he just sees “the big picture” and I try to apply the same level of ambition and focus to my work. I remember looking at his drafted blue prints from his business “Manhattan Blues” (that he ran in the 60s) … his unrelenting attention to detail & knowledgeability was astounding to me. This is definitely what sparked my entrepreneurial spirit from a very young age. 



What piqued your interest in Kirtan? And how long have you been practicing? 

I got the “call” and Kirtan arrived. A good friend of mine manages the George Harrison Estate and one day he gave me a version of Hari Krishna Maha mantra mixed in their primo studio in the UK. It was like nothing I had ever heard before. The synchronicity of life is that same week my brother, Brett, invited me to check out this studio in Santa Monica called Bhakti Yoga Shala where they do Kirtan. My Dad always supported the Hare Krishna and we had copies of the Bavagita in the house as long as I can remember. So we went… We crammed into their studio shoulder to shoulder and their main man Govinda Das whisked us off into this vibrational devotee chanting to the gods. We meditated, danced, cried and our bodies were BUZZING by the time it ended- it was like we had been tuned up (attuned) and, I couldn’t wait for the next week and for all the weeks after that we were able to gather there fogging up the windows at 7pm on a Monday night. It’s evolved since the pandemic and now we typically meet in Topanga chanting as the sun begins to set, overlooking a beautiful property in the canyon. I find Kirtan to be an amazing tool for life. It grants you the clarity, calmness, power and connection that help sift through any obstacle in life. Where else can you get together with a bunch of new friends to sing and dance? This stuff is good for the soul. 


How have things changed after your time on ‘Making the Cut’? For yourself as well as your brand Seeker? 

My time on Making the Cut was like that part right before you hit the pinata with the stick and they spin you around with a blind fold on. Do you know that feeling? That’s the best way to describe the initial sensation. I honestly had no clue what I was getting myself into but it was a very eye-opening, rapid fire, creative pressure cooker of life experience. The entire cast and crew were phenomenal. We filmed in Malibu and lived there for a month together during Covid. The trippiest part was that we were in quarantine with our closest family members for the months prior and then suddenly were on a television set on a ranch in Malibu with Heidi Klum & Tim Gunn. That was a very pivotal shift to take part in… to be surrounded by 150 people on set working to make it all happen was fascinating to observe & I feel immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to share my work with a global audience. It gave Seeker wonderful exposure and I had a tidal wave of outreach upon returning to the show— new people who wanted to share with me how much they  love what I create. As jarring as it is to be on reality TV (and the interviews at times felt polarizing) I was completely blown away by the enormous amount of adoration when I returned home. Another major benefit was that the massive increase in Seeker sales allowed me to catapult my passion project, building the aforementioned Yucca Valley house with my Dad. The time we spent out in the desert—just us two— actually allowed me to emotionally decompress & process the show. I needed to get out of LA and draw my attention towards something physical that would help me reflect, heal… and most importantly rest from that wild ride! 

Who do you consider the greatest living legend? 

My answer is a two-parter, I think the greatest living legends would have to be Keith Richards AND my 15-year-old French bulldog, Frank. Both of them are rockin’ on and nobody can quite figure out how but they have definitely both defied the odds! 

What is one of the most gratifying moments in your life so far? 

It's a privilege that I get the chance to create every day and what I put out into the world is so tremendously loved. Every day I wake up and I can’t even believe that I can make a living creating clothing options that mitigate the harm we have on the planet… and the amazing connections & memories made through Seeker have made the last 9 years feel transcendent. I am so grateful for this community. Also, that I’m back playing hockey again after 22 years off the ice! It turns out your body is much more capable than you might think it is! Mind over matter, Baby! 


What is your latest guilty pleasure? 

-My partner has really encouraged me to enjoy myself these days and we love to indulge— even if it’s just grabbing a Chiliquiles breakfast burrito and heading to San O for the weekend. Surfing my new 40th birthday log from my partner (which she wrangled from my buddy surf extraordinaire Kassia Meador and her mate shaper Dane Peterson!) I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention a few other pleasures like hot yoga at Kinship, massages from SOMA Healing Arts, The amazing Kaypache Pele report, throwing parties at Seeker studio…  Anything fun - I’m there for it. Let’s rip! 


What movie could you watch everyday? 

Endless summer. I'm addicted to it being on in the background as I move through the day. Mickey Dora was my grandpa’s favorite surfer and when they say “Mister Mickey Dora” I think about him and the tee shirt we got him for his birthday day with the Mickey Dora logo on it. So many memories! It also has a big feature on Malibu and I love the time warp being born and raised in beach cities of Los Angeles. The nostalgia runs deep on the quiet sleepy beaches of my childhood.

Find SEEKER on IG: @Seeker_us
and Ally on IG: @hippielongstockingz/


Find the original interview here:

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